I was in sitting in a wake
when my mind began to wander and wonder.
“Should people give in to
I asked because
neuroscientists and biologists have established that emotions are just chemical
reactions and electrical signals in our brain. They say that if we change our
thoughts we can change the chemicals that dictate our mood.
For example, we are bitter when
we don’t get the attractive job offer. But if somebody tells us the rejection
was a blessing in disguise because that company was in secret trouble, our
gloom may suddenly change to gladness.
If emotions are changeable
anyway, why do we need to have them in the first place?
The beginning of emotions
A long time ago, men and
women just wanted to have sex. They didn’t know it but an unconscious drive was
telling them to propagate their genes. So, everything they did was toward the
fulfillment of such a goal. Man’s mind began to codify the world. Things that would
ensure survival felt good while those that worked against it felt bad.
For example, glucose was the
main nutrition for the body and the brain. So, man ascribed to it a pleasant
taste. On the other hand, rotten food with all its harmful bacteria should
taste awful.
For gene propagation to
succeed, men and women pair-bonded to jointly feed and guard their offspring.
That was the origin of love and of joy in the family. Up to now, we feel the
comforting effect of the hormone oxytocin when in the company of the family or
someone we love.
For survival, people had to
hunt together and share the catch. They also needed to protect their stock from
other hunting groups. This was the beginning of cooperation, altruism,
fairness, camaraderie, loyalty, pride and even shame, hate, and guilt. Altruism felt pleasurable while guilt left a
bad feeling in the gut.
Over the ages, the human mind
divided things into what feels good and what feels bad. Even up to now, the
“rational” or “intellectual” decisions we make are actually influenced by
emotions. The “objective” decisions we make are subliminally chosen by what
will make us happy versus what will make us feel bad.
Without emotions, mankind would
have not advanced to this level of sophistication.
But Lisa Feldman Barrett
argues in How Emotions Are Made: The
Secret Life of the Brain that a lot of our emotions are only learned at
birth and are acquired from our milieu, our culture and our personal
experiences. Emotions, therefore, are not universal and the codes are not
final. In effect, she is saying that what makes one happy or sad does not
necessarily apply to another person because we live by different sets of
preferences, beliefs, and values.
For example, one will not be
devastated by a loved one’s death if their culture sees death as a necessary
transition to a better life. Some cultures make people feel terribly guilty if they
don’t wear the right kind of clothing. The classic theory is that men are
instinctively attracted to slim female bodies because that’s a sign of good
health, ideal for the propagation of genes. But in Mauritania, culture has taught
people that exceptionally fat women are most beautiful.
To Dr. Barrett, emotions are
not hard and fast programs installed in the human system waiting to be
triggered. We are not biologically enslaved to a template of emotions.
If that is so, we can
override our feelings if we just mentally step outside our current set of
beliefs. Or if we change our perspective.
To feel or not to feel
Back in the funeral chapel, I
pondered the idea of a world without sadness because we can always cancel it
from our brain, anyway. It’s just chemicals. But a voice in my head asked, “Is
it good to live like unfeeling robots then?” The voice slowly replied to its
own question:
“Let us feel our emotions,
sad or glad. We sometimes need to feel sad so that we will know what’s
important to us. We need to feel bad in order to have a sense of outrage over
wrong things done to us or wrong things happening in society.”
“We need to be sad for others because a world
without empathy has no compassion. We must feel other people’s pain or it will
be a selfish world.”
“But we must keep in mind
that we know when and how to press the eject button. We will not go down with
I was thinking about the
people who are bonded in sorrow. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, author of On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning
of Grief Through Five Stages of Loss, advised we can feel our pain and anger
longer than comfortable for other people but “without letting an unmanaged, ongoing depression
leech our quality of life.”
Before dejection gets the
better of us, we should face it and let it know who’s the boss.
Behave: The Biology of
Humans at our Best and Worst by Robert M. Sapolsky
Habits of a Happy
Brain by Loretta Graziano Breuning
How Emotions Are Made:
The Secret Life of the Brain by
Lisa Feldman Barrett
On Grief and Grieving:
Finding the Meaning of Grief Through Five Stages of Loss by Elisabeth
The Emotional Brain:
The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life by Joseph LeDoux
Why We Feel: The
Science of Emotions by Victor S. Johnston
Women in a Poor West
African Country are Force-Feeding Themselves for Beauty’s Sake in the
Business Insider
Who's in charge of our emotions?
Reviewed by Robert Labayen
11:53 PM

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