The body of scientific evidence may convince us that the Bible is correct in its origin of the universe.
In 1964, when astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Woodrow Wilson discovered the cosmic background radiation which is the “echo” of the “Big Bang”, the scientific community started warming up to the Christian belief that the universe had a beginning.
It became more believable that Big Bang and Genesis 1:3 are one and the same.
The Universe’s Perfect Formula
After the Big Bang, the universe started expanding and forming heavenly bodies. While we know that all explosions throw away particles in a disorganized and messy way, the Big Bang was “controlled” with pinpoint accuracy. If the speed of the expansion was just slightly faster, matter would be too scattered and will be unable to form planets and stars. If it was just a bit slower, matter would stay clumped together and unable to form anything. Without such precision, the cosmos could have not been created.
Just how precise was it?
Astrophysicist Hugh Ross has an analogy to describe the required accuracy of balance between fast and slow: it would be like a billion pencils simultaneously positioned upright on their sharpened points on a smooth glass surface with no vertical supports.
The expansion of the universe was controlled to perfection. And who was controlling it?
For the universe to exist, there has to be a perfectly balanced mix of four forces: gravity, electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. Physicist Paul Davies said that the universe would not exist if there was a deviation from the formula by .00000000000000001 percent. That’s sixteen zeroes!
Does the universe simply correct itself to achieve and maintain balance? No. Such perfect mix of the precise amounts of the four forces has been there within the first one-millionth second of the Big Bang. It has been pre-planned by a Creator, apparently!
Renowned Oxford mathematician Roger Penrose calculated that the possibility of a universe developing randomly by itself is one out of a billion billion billion, etc. repeated more than a billion billion times. He asserts that reading aloud those "billions" would take a longer time than the existence of the Universe itself. Penrose, winner of the coveted Wolf Prize, claims that the balance of nature’s laws is so perfect, it could have not happened without an intelligent “Creator.”
These were among the facts that made astrophysicist Hugh Ross convert from being an atheist to a Christian.
The Six Days of Creation is Correct
The Genesis sequence of events from “Let there be light” to Adam corresponds with scientific evidence. But why does the Bible say six days while scientists estimate it at 15 billion years?
Scientists say that the timelines of science and the Bible would match if we don’t count days from the perspective of the earth-based 24-hour clock. (It is only on earth where a day has 24 hours.) Astrophysicists know of a universal clock that is linked to cosmic radiation. With this cosmic clock, 1 minute from a certain part of the universe is equivalent to a million million minutes on earth. If we follow this clock, which was possibly the point of view of Genesis from another part of the universe, the 6 days of Creation in the Bible will be scientifically correct!
The Location of Earth is Perfect
If the earth was a bit closer, or farther, from the sun; a bit bigger or smaller, life would be impossible.
The current size of the earth creates the just-right gravity. Such gravity is strong enough to retain gasses essential to life, and weak enough to allow deadly gasses like methane and ammonia to be released to space. If the earth was of a slightly different size, we would all die.
The current distance from the sun makes the earth keep its water liquid. If it was closer, the water would evaporate. Farther, the water would freeze.
The earth is in a perfect place, but it’s not even supposed to be there. The earth is the only planet in the solar system that doesn’t follow the exponential curve. All others are twice farther from the sun than the preceding planet.
Scientists estimate that the odds of a planet supporting life are less than one in ten to the 73rd power. That’s the number 1 followed by 73 zeroes! It really appears that a Divine Hand fine-tuned conditions for life on earth -even making an exception to the rules of the otherwise perfect universe.
The August 1997 issue of Science, the most prestigious scientific journal in the US, noted how scientists “speculate that some divine influence may be present” in the beginning of organic life.
Who Created Life On Earth ?
Scientists have once proposed that life on earth evolved through a random interaction among cosmic elements and earthly atoms. But more recent views disagree.
Simon Conway Morris of the University of Cambridge is probably the most respected authority on Evolutionary Paleobiology. He asserts that all the time from the beginning of the universe to the present will not be sufficient to allow a random interaction of molecules to create living organisms. There would be an almost infinite number of “blind alleys” and misses.
Sir Fred Hoyle, the scientist who coined “Big Bang”, said that the possibility of a random origin of life is like the impossibility of a 747 getting assembled by a tornado passing through a junkyard. He admitted that the overwhelming implication of a “guiding intelligence” has been shaking his atheism.
Theoretical biologist Francis Crick said that the deliberate, rather than random, planting of life on earth “should still be considered a serious possibility.”
The truth is we only know what appears to be 5% of the universe. Ninety-five percent of it is still a complete mystery. What overwhelms us now is just a tiny showcase of what the Creator is capable of.
So, If God can create a universe like that and more, is there anything on earth that He cannot do?
( References:
The Science of God : The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom by Gerald L. Schroeder
Miracles : What they Are, Why they Happen and How they Can Change Your Life by Eric Metaxas
Read also :
Mysteries of the Universe and Planet Earth by Herman R. Habegger
A Golden Age of Cosmology by Alan Gruth in The Universe edited by John Brockman )
How Science Reveals the Intelligence of the Creation
Reviewed by Robert Labayen
8:04 PM

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