Illustration by Robert Labayen
As a grown up, I would still lie down in bed like a baby beside
my father.
I worked in Manila and I would often visit my parents in
Bulan, Sorsogon about 600 kilometers away. My daddy was afflicted with a
combination of emphysema and Parkinson’s disease. The effort to speak drained
the oxygen in his lungs. So, he just smiled as I stroked his balding head,
which was our “source of fun” when my siblings and I were growing up. I talked to
him and he didn’t need to reply.
During his funeral, one of our aunts worried that we “didn’t
love our dad very much.“ She observed that instead of weeping, I and my siblings
were laughing, sometimes loud enough.
I realized that we felt that way because we have shown
enough love while he lived. He has experienced a man’s reward which is the love
and respect of his own family.
I'm not suggesting that too much crying in a wake is a sign of a guilty feeling or an imperfect relationship with the departed. People are different. It may even be a sign of deep attachment. But I believe that regret over somebody’s death can be more painful if there was some unfinished business.
If there has been unforgiveness. Or lack of expression of affection.
Filipino families are close-knit but many are not
touchy-feely. We are also shy to speak of love for our parents, siblings,
spouse and children. Many of us plan “ to show love someday” but never really
get to do it until it’s too late.
When my mom was going through therapy in her last days, I
also lied in bed beside her. I embraced her like I used to as a child. I
stroked her leg when the pain wouldn’t give her any sleep. During the times that she was pain-free, I
told her about my successes at work. That’s what she always wanted to hear
because she was an achiever herself.
I am glad that all my brothers and sisters are tactile like
me. Our parents got more than enough
dosage of touch while they lived.
Parents may not be perfect. But I think they deserve to
hear and feel how grateful we are for all those sleepless nights they looked
after us.
This week, my wife was on the phone with her mom in the
province. My mother-in-law was recuperating after a week in the hospital. Her oxygen level was low so my wife said “ We should take you back to the hospital
right now. “ Her mom calmly replied “ Not now. I’m feeling very sleepy. Tell
everyone I love them. Let me sleep. “
Telling “everyone I love them” was her usual parting
request. But this time, within an hour, she was gone.
My mother-in-law was so relaxed that my wife didn’t know it
was going to be their last conversation.
But my mother-in-law didn’t die a lonely person. She was always
surrounded with love from her loyal husband and adoring family. She was so “malambing” ( warm ) that’s why all the
grandchildren and great grandchildren are coming to the funeral to show love beyond life.
We never know when that last conversation or phone call will
come. So, in showing love, the best way is to seize the day.
“ Honor your father
and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is
giving you. “ Exodus 20:12
Love them while they're around
Reviewed by Robert Labayen
1:02 AM

Words are empty when spoken. A big thank you to Dr Jude for using his effective herbal product to reserve my brother Parkinson disease. My brother was diagnosed of Parkinson Disease 3 year back. his symptoms progressed so very fast that i couldn't do anything. he had tremor, Slow movement, Rigid muscle,rigidity of the arms. I was very depressed and had no hope of living. i couldn't resist it than to go deep into research for a cure/preservative treatment. On this fateful day, i saw a testimony post concerning a lady who once had Parkinson disease but was reserved using Dr Jude Robert Herbal product. At this time, i was skeptical and curious. To cut it short, i visited his website on [ www. drjudeherbs. com ] and i saw so many review from clients who made use of his product which motivated me to make my orders. i received the product and he used it as instructed for two weeks. Omg, during the first week of usage, all his symptoms disappeared, today makes it 4 months of usage and i can boldly tell to the public that he has been reserved from Parkinson disease.. This is more than a miracle, i just can't believe my brother's life is back again. last 2 months he resumed playing golf and he can now do all activities himself without anyone's assistance. You that is out there searching for solution, i have bring good news to you kindly visit (www. drjudeherbs. com) or reach him directly via email on [ drjuderobert @ gmail. com ] Today marks his birthday. Please lets share this to help others. Thank you Dr Jude for your Herbal Product.